Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat


Source: mfr 84.674

Source: mfr 84.674

One of the most intriguing events of the French Revolution would have to be the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat by Charlotte Corday. Marat was a physician, political theorist as well as a radical journalist during the French Revolution. Marat was a defender of the sans-culottes and published these views in various pamphlets and newspapers. Marat suffered from a debilitating skin condition and he was forced to resign from the Convention but continued to work from home, where he often soaked in a medicinal bath. One day while he was soaking in the bath a women named Charlotte Corday came to see him, stating that she had valuable information regarding the activities of the Girondins. The Girondists were a political faction which were at conflict with the Jacobin Club. Although Corday claimed that she had vital information for Marat, she was in fact a Girondist sympathizer. After gaining an audience with Marat as he soaked in his medicinal bath, Corday drew a knife from her corset and plunged it into the chest of Marat, he died in seconds. The image above from the museum of the french revolution depicts this assassination, Corday can be seen plunging the knife into the chest of Marat who is in his bath.

The murder of Jean-Paul Marat is present within Assassin’s Creed Unity as a “Murder Mystery” side quest. In the murder mystery side quests, Arno discovers a body and must collect evidence in order to determine who is responsible. Evidence could include physical evidence at the crime scene as well as witness testimony. After the player has obtained a sufficient amount of evidence, they may accuse someone of the murder. Accusing the correct suspect grants the player a hefty prize. In the game, the correct suspect to accuse is Charlotte Corday. The game is accurate in its portrayal of the murder of  Jean-Paul Marat. Gameplay footage of this side quest is available below.

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